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FF3/6 Coliseum
« am: Januar 21, 2008, 19:02:36 »
Ein Coliseum wo man GP zu EXP umwandeln kann.

SDK wird gebraucht.

Spoiler for Hiden:
# ** FF3/6 Coliseum Script
# Dargor
# 2006-11-11
# Version 1
# * Instructions
#   ~ To call the Scene
#       - Iuse the call script command and type $scene =
#   For more instructions on how to use, refer to Module Coliseum
# * SDK Log Script
SDK.log('FF3/6 Coliseum Script', 'Dargor', 1, '2006-11-11')

# * Begin SDK Enable Test
if SDK.state('FF3/6 Coliseum Script') == true
  # ** Module Coliseum
  #  This module handles the coliseum items and rewards.
  #  To setup an item. follow the instructions bellow:
  # * Setup of Items/Weapons/Armors to exchange:
  #     @items[1] = [10,"W",20] This line means that if you select item #1 (@items[1]), thje you will fight
  #     troop #10 to win a weapon ("W") and the id of this weapon will be 20
  #     @items[id] = [troop, kind, id]
  #     Do the same thing for @armors & @weapons
  # * Kind list:
  #     "I" => Item
  #     "W" => Weapon
  #     "A" => Armor
  # * Changing Gold for Exp:
  #       The formula used to change Gold to Exp is: gp_amount /= 15
  # * Changing the troops encountered for "Gold to Exp":
  #       Look for the gold_to_troop(gold) methode.
  #         when 0...100
  #            return 1
  #         The lines above means that if you selected an amount of gold between 0 and 100, you will fight
  #         against troop # 1
  #         If the script encounters an unspecified amount, you will fight against the default troop.
  # * Changing the default settings:
  #       @default troop, @default_item & @default_kind are the variables used if the selected item has
  #       not been setup for the coliseum.
  module Coliseum
    # ** Coliseum::Items
    class Items
      # * Object Initialization
      def initialize
        @items = []
        @armors = []
        @weapons = []
        @item_to_win = nil
        @gold_to_win = nil
        @exp_to_win = nil
        # * Modify the variables bellow
        @default_troop = 1
        @default_item = 1
        @default_kind = "I"
        @items[1] = [10,"W",20]
        @weapons[1] = [5,"A",10]
        @armors[1] = [15,"I",1]
      attr_accessor :items
      attr_accessor :armors
      attr_accessor :weapons
      attr_accessor :item_to_win
      attr_accessor :gold_to_win
      attr_accessor :exp_to_win
      attr_accessor :default_troop
      attr_accessor :default_item
      attr_accessor :default_kind
      # * Gold To Troop
      def gold_to_troop(gold)
        case gold
        when 0...100
          return 1
        when 101...1000
          return 2
        when 1001...2000
          return 3
        when 2001...3000
          return 4
        when 3001...5000
          return 5
        when 5001...10000
          return 6
        when 10001...9999999
          return 10
          return @default_troop
    # ** Coliseum::Text
    class Text
      def initialize
        @command_item_help = "Select an item to exchange for another item."
        @command_gold_help = "Select an amount of gold to exchange for experience points."
        @win_message = "Congratulation! You win!"
        @lose_message = "Sorry, you failed."
        @cancel_message = "Come back anytime!"
      attr_accessor :command_item_help
      attr_accessor :command_gold_help
      attr_accessor :win_message
      attr_accessor :lose_message
      attr_accessor :cancel_message
  # ** Window_ItemToWin
  #  This window displays the item to win.

  class Window_ItemToWin < Window_Base
    # * Object Initialization
    #     item : item
    def initialize(item)
      super(24, 24, 240, 64)
      self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
      self.back_opacity = 160
      @item = item
    # * Refresh
    def refresh
      self.contents.font.color = normal_color
      if $coliseum_items.exp_to_win != nil
        text = $coliseum_items.exp_to_win /=15
        self.contents.draw_text(28, 0, 240, 32, text.to_s)
        self.contents.draw_text(28, 0, 240, 32, $
    def item_to_win
      case @item
      when RPG::Item
        case $coliseum_items.items[][1]
        when "I", "i"
          $coliseum_items.item_to_win = $data_items[$coliseum_items.items[][2]]
        when "W", "w"
          $coliseum_items.item_to_win = $data_weapons[$coliseum_items.items[][2]]
        when "A","a"
          $coliseum_items.item_to_win = $data_armors[$coliseum_items.items[][2]]
      when RPG::Weapon
        case $coliseum_items.weapons[][1]
        when "I", "i"
          $coliseum_items.item_to_win = $data_items[$coliseum_items.items[][2]]
        when "W", "w"
          $coliseum_items.item_to_win = $data_weapons[$coliseum_items.items[][2]]
        when "A","a"
          $coliseum_items.item_to_win = $data_armors[$coliseum_items.items[][2]]
      when RPG::Armor
        case $coliseum_items.armors[][1]
        when "I", "i"
          $coliseum_items.item_to_win = $data_items[$coliseum_items.items[][2]]
        when "W", "w"
          $coliseum_items.item_to_win = $data_weapons[$coliseum_items.items[][2]]
        when "A","a"
          $coliseum_items.item_to_win = $data_armors[$coliseum_items.items[][2]]
      rect =, 0, self.width  - 32, 32)
      self.contents.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0))
      item = $coliseum_items.item_to_win
      if $coliseum_items.exp_to_win != nil
        bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon("050-Skill07")
        bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(item.icon_name)
      opacity = self.contents.font.color == normal_color ? 255 : 128
      self.contents.blt(0, 4, bitmap,, 0, 24, 24), opacity)

  # ** Window_Status
  #  This window displays full status specs on the status screen.

  class Window_SelectedItem < Window_Base
    # * Object Initialization
    #     actor : actor
    def initialize(item)
      super(640-264, 24, 240, 64)
      self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
      self.back_opacity = 160
      @item = item
    # * Refresh
    def refresh
      self.contents.font.color = normal_color
      rect =, 0, self.width  - 32, 32)
      self.contents.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0))
      if $coliseum_items.exp_to_win != nil
        self.contents.draw_text(28, 0, 240, 32, $coliseum_items.exp_to_win.to_s)
      item = @item
      if $coliseum_items.exp_to_win != nil
        bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon("032-Item01")
        bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(item.icon_name)
      opacity = self.contents.font.color == normal_color ? 255 : 128
      self.contents.blt(0, 4, bitmap,, 0, 24, 24), opacity)

  class Window_TroopName < Window_Base
    # * Object Initialization
    #     actor : actor
    def initialize(item)
      super(200, 128, 240, 64)
      self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
      self.back_opacity = 160
      @item = item
    # * Refresh
    def refresh
      self.contents.font.color = normal_color
      case @item
      when RPG::Item
      when RPG::Weapon
      when RPG::Armor

  # ** Window_PartyCommand
  #  This window is used to select whether to fight or escape on the battle
  #  screen.

  class Window_ColiseumCommand < Window_Selectable
    # * Object Initialization
    def initialize
      super(0, 64, 640, 64)
      self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
      self.back_opacity = 160
      @commands = ["Item", "Gold"]#, "Exp"]
      @item_max = 2
      @column_max = 2
      draw_item(0, normal_color)
      draw_item(1, normal_color)
      #draw_item(2, normal_color)
      self.index = 0
    # * Draw Item
    #     index : item number
    #     color : text character color
    def draw_item(index, color)
      self.contents.font.color = color
      rect = + index * 160 + 4, 0, 128 - 10, 32)
      self.contents.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0))
      self.contents.draw_text(rect, @commands[index], 1)
    # * Cursor Rectangle Update
    def update_cursor_rect
      self.cursor_rect.set(160 + index * 160, 0, 128, 32)

  # ** Window_Item
  #  This window displays items in possession on the item and battle screens.

  class Window_ColiseumItem < Window_Selectable
    # * Object Initialization
    def initialize
      super(0, 128, 640, 480-128)
      @column_max = 2
      self.index = 0
      # If in battle, move window to center of screen
      # and make it semi-transparent
      if $game_temp.in_battle
        self.y = 64
        self.height = 256
        self.back_opacity = 160
    # * Get Item
    def item
      return @data[self.index]
    # * Refresh
    def refresh
      if self.contents != nil
        self.contents = nil
      @data = []
      # Add item
      for i in 1...$data_items.size
        if $game_party.item_number(i) > 0
      # Also add weapons and items if outside of battle
      unless $game_temp.in_battle
        for i in 1...$data_weapons.size
          if $game_party.weapon_number(i) > 0
        for i in 1...$data_armors.size
          if $game_party.armor_number(i) > 0
      # If item count is not 0, make a bit map and draw all items
      @item_max = @data.size
      if @item_max > 0
        self.contents = - 32, row_max * 32)
        for i in 0...@item_max
    # * Draw Item
    #     index : item number
    def draw_item(index)
      item = @data[index]
      case item
      when RPG::Item
        number = $game_party.item_number(
      when RPG::Weapon
        number = $game_party.weapon_number(
      when RPG::Armor
        number = $game_party.armor_number(
      if item.is_a?(RPG::Item) and
        self.contents.font.color = normal_color
        self.contents.font.color = disabled_color
      x = 4 + index % 2 * (288 + 32)
      y = index / 2 * 32
      rect =, y, self.width / @column_max - 32, 32)
      self.contents.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0))
      bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(item.icon_name)
      opacity = self.contents.font.color == normal_color ? 255 : 128
      self.contents.blt(x, y + 4, bitmap,, 0, 24, 24), opacity)
      self.contents.draw_text(x + 28, y, 212, 32,, 0)
      self.contents.draw_text(x + 240, y, 16, 32, ":", 1)
      self.contents.draw_text(x + 256, y, 24, 32, number.to_s, 2)
    # * Help Text Update
    def update_help
      @help_window.set_text(self.item == nil ? "" : self.item.description)

  # ** Scene_Item
  #  This class performs item screen processing.

  class Scene_ColiseumItem
    # * Main Processing
    def main
      # Make help window, item window
      @help_window =
      @item_window =
      @item_window.index = -1 = false
      @command_window =
      @command_window.back_opacity = 255
      @gold_window =
      @gold_window.x = 320 - @gold_window.width / 2
      @gold_window.y = 240 - @gold_window.height / 2
      @gold_window.opacity = 255
      @gold_window.visible = false = false
      # Associate help window
      @item_window.help_window = @help_window
      # Execute transition
      # Main loop
      loop do
        # Update game screen
        # Update input information
        # Frame update
        # Abort loop if screen is changed
        if $scene != self
      # Prepare for transition
      # Dispose of windows
    # * Frame Update
    def update
      # Update windows
      # If item window is active: call update_item
      # If gold window is active: call update_item
      # If command window is active: call update_command
    # * Frame Update (when item window is active)
    def update_item = true
      @item_window.visible = true = false
      # If B button was pressed
      if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
        # Play cancel SE
        # Switch to menu screen = false
        @item_window.visible = false = true
      # If C button was pressed
      if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
        # Get currently selected data on the item window
        @item = @item_window.item
        if $coliseum_items.items[] == nil
          $coliseum_items.items[] = [$coliseum_items.default_troop,$coliseum_items.default_kind,$coliseum_items.default_item]
        if $coliseum_items.weapons[] == nil
          $coliseum_items.weapons[] = [$coliseum_items.default_troop,$coliseum_items.default_kind,$coliseum_items.default_item]
        if $coliseum_items.armors[] == nil
          $coliseum_items.armors[] = [$coliseum_items.default_troop,$coliseum_items.default_kind,$coliseum_items.default_item]
        # Play decision SE
        case @item
        when RPG::Item
          @troop = $coliseum_items.items[][0]
        when RPG::Weapon
          @troop = $coliseum_items.weapons[][0]
        when RPG::Armor
          @troop = $coliseum_items.armors[][0]
          $scene =, @troop,nil)
    def update_gold = false = true
      @gold_window.visible = true
      # If B button was pressed
      if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
        # Play cancel SE
        # Switch to menu screen = false
        @gold_window.visible = false = true
      # If C button was pressed
      if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
        $coliseum_items.exp_to_win = @gold_window.number
        @troop = $coliseum_items.gold_to_troop($coliseum_items.exp_to_win) #transfer the amount of gold to a troop ID
        $scene =, @troop,$coliseum_items.exp_to_win)
    def update_command
      case @command_window.index
      when 0
        @item_window.visible = true
        @gold_window.visible = false
      when 1
        @item_window.visible = false
        @gold_window.visible = true
      if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
        # Play decision SE
        case @command_window.index
        when 0
          @item_window.index = 0
 = true
 = false
        when 1
 = true
 = false
      if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
        # Play cancel SE
        $scene =
  # ** Scene_Battle (part 1)
  #  This class performs battle screen processing.

  class Scene_Coliseum
    def initialize(item, troop,exp=nil)
      @item = item
      @troop = troop
      @exp = exp
    # * Main Processing
    def main
      # Initialize each kind of temporary battle data
      $game_temp.in_coliseum = true
      $game_temp.battleback_name = $game_map.battleback_name
      # Prepare troop
      @troop_id = @troop
      @window_status =
      if $coliseum_items.exp_to_win != nil
        @selected_item =
        @item_to_win =
        @selected_item =
        @item_to_win =
      @window_troop_name =
      @actors = []
      for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
      @actor_window =,@actors)
      @actor_window.x = 240
      @actor_window.y = 192
      @actor_window.back_opacity = 160
      @actor_window.height = 1 * 32 + 32
      # Make sprite set
      @spriteset =
      # Execute transition
      # Main loop
      loop do
        # Update game screen
        # Update input information
        # Frame update
        # Abort loop if screen is changed
        if $scene != self
      # Prepare for transition
      # Dispose of windows
      # Dispose of sprite set
    def update
      # Update sprite set
      if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
        $temp_actors = []
        $temp_actors = $game_party.actors.dup
        # Set troop ID, can escape flag, and battleback
        $game_temp.battle_troop_id = @troop
        $game_temp.battle_can_escape = false
        # Play battle start SE
        # Play battle BGM
        $game_party.actors = [$temp_actors[@actor_window.index]]
        # Remove the selected things
        if $coliseum_items.exp_to_win != nil
        elsif @item.is_a?(RPG::Item)
        elsif @item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon)
        elsif @item.is_a?(RPG::Armor)
        # Switch to battle screen
        $scene =
  # ** Game_Party

  class Game_Party
    # * Public Instance Variables
    attr_accessor :actors
  # ** Game_Temp

  class Game_Temp
    # * Public Instance Variables
    attr_accessor :in_coliseum # Returns to Battle Arena after Battle
    attr_accessor :coliseum_win
    alias coliseum_init initialize
    # * Object Initialization
    def initialize
      # Old Initialize Method
      # Adds Battle Arena Variables
      @in_coliseum = false
      @coliseum_win = false
  # ** Scene_Battle (part 1)

  class Scene_Battle
  # * Alias Listings
  alias coliseum_battle_end battle_end
  alias coliseum_start_phase5 start_phase5
  alias coliseum_judge judge
    # * Battle Ends
    # result : results (0:win 1:lose 2:escape)
    def battle_end(result)
      if $game_temp.in_coliseum
        $game_party.actors = $temp_actors
        # Clear in battle flag
        $game_temp.in_battle = false
        # Clear entire party actions flag
        # Remove battle states
        for actor in $game_party.actors
        # Clear enemies
        # Call battle callback
        if $game_temp.battle_proc != nil
          $game_temp.battle_proc = nil
        # If Win
        if result == 0
          $game_temp.coliseum_win = true
        # If Lose
          $game_temp.coliseum_win = false
        # Proceeds to Coliseum
        $scene =
      # Old Battle End Method
    # * Start After Battle Phase
    def start_phase5
      if $game_temp.in_coliseum
        #@treasures = []
        if $coliseum_items.item_to_win != nil
          treasures = $coliseum_items.item_to_win
          case treasures
          when RPG::Item
            $game_party.gain_item(, 1)
          when RPG::Weapon
            $game_party.gain_weapon(, 1)
          when RPG::Armor
            $game_party.gain_armor(, 1)
        elsif $coliseum_items.exp_to_win != nil
          $game_party.actors[0].exp += $coliseum_items.exp_to_win
        # Make battle result window
        #@result_window =, 0, treasures)
        # Set wait count
        @phase5_wait_count = 100
    # * Determine Battle Win/Loss Results
    def judge
      if $game_temp.in_coliseum
        # If all dead determinant is true, or number of members in party is 0
        if $game_party.all_dead? or $game_party.actors.size == 0
          # If possible to lose
          if $game_temp.battle_can_lose
            # Return to BGM before battle starts
            # Battle ends
            # Return true
            return true
          # Set game over flag
          $game_party.actors = $temp_actors
          $scene =
          # Return true
          return true
        # Return false if even 1 enemy exists
        for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
          if enemy.exist?
            return false
        # Start after battle phase (win)
        # Return true
        return true
  class Scene_Title
    alias coliseum_new_game command_new_game
    def command_new_game
      $coliseum_items =
      $coliseum_text =
# * End SDK Enable Test
Spoiler for Hiden:

Neustes Projekt von Red und Mir
Renascor Adoria II - Das Urteil der Finsternis (RMXP)


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rooftop party

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